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You Probably Abhor this One Compliance Role…

We feel you. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t be calling up vendors every day just to get them to send you a certificate of insurance. Preferably, one that is error-free. You’d send them an email, but they always end up getting ignored, so you call. And call, and...

Counting on Policy Cancellation Notices? You Shouldn’t.

You have unpaid electric bills, you get a disconnection notice on your mailbox. Neglect your online subscriptions, and they’ll send you an email telling you that your subscriptions are canned. Isn’t it natural to be notified when a service you’re using get cancelled?...

Attention, Execs: Are You Overworking Your Compliance Admins?

As an exec, your job is to make important decisions for your company. Striking deals with vendors and contractors and making sure that your projects and operations proceed without a hitch is all in a day’s work for you. To use war analogies, you’re part of the top...

Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster?

Risks come in all shapes and sizes. We’ve talked about the four major categories of risks elsewhere, but there are risks that have to do with more than just your operations, your environment or your market. A great example would be the loss of physical and digital...